Saturday, December 31, 2011

Send messages through your command prompt

You can send messages using command prompt but you can't send any attached files/images.

1: Copy the below code in a notepad and save the file as messenger.bat

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

2: Drag the batch file and place it on command prompt now you enter user and messages.

Thats it!

How to retrieve the alphanumeric character's of the password entered

You may find in an internet cafe where some people got logged into their accounts and got logged out.When open the website of that domain like gmail or yahoo or Facebook etc then if you find  the password with dotted code and you wan't to retrieve the characters that have been entered then use the below steps: password which is presented as dotted and the double click on that. inspect element

3.change type="password" to type="text" password gets changed to alphanumerical characters as like this

4. Now you get password.

Note: Just try this for education purpose.