Facebook Prank
Facebooking is full of fun with chatting, commenting,liking and lot more stuff.But how long can we do the boring repeated things. So here are few funny Facebook tricks and pranks which makes your facebooking more interesting and more fun.
1. Gost profile prank:
This is the best prank ever that I played on my friends. Ask your friends to check this [ GOST PROFILE ] . It will look like a scary ghost profile.But that's not the interesting part here, Ask your friend to click on photos.Here come the scary part, Out of nowhere a ghost face comes out from the centre with a scary shout.
Your Friends shouts-Our prank rocks.
When I tried this prank on my friends few girls even shouted in fear.
2. Create your own Fake Wall Post:
3. Facebook status Prank:
This is the yet another best prank I ever had with my friends on facebook. Just visit the below url.http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363Surprised?
The above url will redirect to your home page.Now you might be questioning me whats prank in this.I will show you an example below how I used this to prank with my friends.
The person with facebook profile given below http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363 has posted some abusive content or photos on facebook. Cyber Crime police are searching for the person with above profile link.Please inform the police if you find that person.
Now when the person clicks the above link it will be redirected to his profile and the person will be shocked.Enjoy :)
3. Fake news Generator:
Using this trick you can create a funny fake news about your friend on a website.
Go to [ Noob ]and enter the details mentioned there. Select a best news about your friend. and After the entering the details. click publish. Now copy the link and share it on facebook and Prank your friends.
4. Find your friends crush using fake love calculator:
Go to [ Crush bits ] and sign up for a free account. It will provide you a link. Now you just put your status like this.
"I have never seen such an accurate love calculating app like this " (along with your link)
Now just wait for few minutes. Definitely after seeing your status many of your friends will enter their crush names and will get trapped . You will receive an email whenever any friend of you enter the details there.
Using this prank I came to known many interesting crushes of my friends.
Using this prank I came to known many interesting crushes of my friends.
Now its your turn to use them on your friends.